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Shepwell School

‘Believing is Achieving’

Career Programme

Year GroupsLearning From Careers and Labour Market

Every pupil and their parents should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities

Addressing the needs of each student

Pupils have different career guidance needs at different stages. Opportunities for advice and support is tailored to the needs of our pupils. Our programme embeds equality and diversity throughout  

Linking Curriculum Learning to careers

Teachers link curriculum learning with careers. STEM subject teachers highlight the relevance of stem subjects for a wide range of career paths

Encounters with employers and employees

Every pupil has multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This includes speakers, mentoring and enterprise challenges.

Experiences of Workplaces

Every pupil will have first-hand experience of the workplace either through a work visit, work shadowing or work experiences to help them explore career opportunities and expand their networks  

Encounters with further and higher education

All pupils will understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace. 

KS3Careers speaker at least 1 in ks3



Careers section on the website with information on higher education and the labour market


Careers lesson over 2 weeks giving ks3 students the opportunity to think and research about future prospects for themselves


Access to the careers library at all times (prospectuses, posters, general careers advise


Careers advisor avavlibale during parents evenings


National careers week assembly 

Access to independent and impartial careers advice and guidance by appointment only in year 7-9



Pupils encouraged in assemblies, aspirations and British values to use various information sources.


Opportunity to take part in arts award programme


Option meeting and talk Year 9 only

All curriculum areas use opportunities to link in careers when appropriate.



Posters in core subjects to display careers within that subject area.


Enterprise day


Big bang science day 


Aspirations lessons that look at a variety of different activities carry out visits to forest schools, Religious places to see how they run, radio station visit.


National careers week each subject has a day related to careers



Speakers invited in through aspirations programme, assemblies and British Values such as journalists, police, editors etc. 



Opening Doors programme


Careers information on website


World of Work day


Careers business event speed networking

Opening Doors programme



National careers week staff/student role swap


Relevant and updated information for parents and pupils on website reading higher education, apprenticeships support and guidance.



Careers lesson looking at higher education and the benefits.

National careers week assemblies 

Year 10All students access British Values lessons which have timetabled slots once to look at labour market where to find the information and how best to use it to support their career Choices.



Career Speaker session…training providers, ask and national employers


Online workshops


Access to careers library


Access to careers section on the website using a widget to get quick and easy access to current labour market information


Mock interviews with employers


Careers fairs


Careers advisor available  at parents evenings


CV workshops run by employability UK


National careers week assemblies  

Access to independent and impartial careers advice and guidance



SEND nurture transition visits to Walsall College, WACC, Wolverhampton vocational training etc.


Careers section on website contacts multiple sources for information.


One to one meeting with careers lead to look at transition plans (parents and other agencies also involved to ensure right support is in place)

Employability workshops around next steps explored.


  Pupils encouraged in assemblies, aspirations and British values to use various information sources.


Transition plans for all student completed by carers lead/parents and pupils


National careers week each subject has a day related to careers



Students are given the opportunity to develop their career thinking and to acquire important employability skills during lessons


Posters in all core rooms to display career opportunities linked with those subjects


Mentoring sessions for all students to discuss individual career paths if required  


British Values lessons targeted at careers/skills/pathways and post 16 options

Careers fairs (careers live, Big bang fair)



World of work day( mock interviews)


Online workshops


Assembly talks (career speakers)


Employability workshop  

National careers week staff/student role swap



Opportunity to visit local business

College open evenings displayed in careers library



Prospectuses available in careers library


Visits to college if early transitional support is identified


Apprenterships session delivered by ASK


Local college and training provider assemblies


Up to date information about colleges on website


Big bang and what career live event NEC


College taster sessions


Year 11Career speaker sessions



Assemblies and group work (British Values) around LMI delivered by careers leader


Labour market information available at parents evening


Access to careers library and website

National careers week lessons


Careers fairs

Students have access to and are encouraged to take ownership of career records  



All students have one to one guidance interviews with both careers leader and parents as well as careers advisor (September-December)


Transitional visits to post 16 providers


Support to attend college interviews


School review meetings with SLT and other professionals involved with individual pupils


Support in lesson to complete applications and practise mock interview questions


College taster sessions available at request

National careers week each subject has a day related to careers



Students are given the opportunity to develop their career thinking and to acquire important employability skills during lessons


Posters in all core rooms to display career opportunities linked with those subjects


Mentoring sessions for all students to discuss individual career paths if required  


British Values lessons targeted at careers/skills/pathways and post 16 options

Careers fairs (careers live, Big bang fair)



World of work day( mock interviews)


Online workshops


Assembly talks (career speakers)


Employability workshop  

National careers week staff/student role swap



Opportunity to visit local business

College open evenings displayed in careers library



Prospectuses available in careers library


Visits to college


Apprenterships session delivered by ASK


Local college and training provider assemblies


Up to date information about colleges on website


Big bang and what career live event at NEC


Careers section of website displays college information