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Shepwell School

‘Believing is Achieving’

Governance and Executive Pay

Shepwell School Management Committee/Governing Body


We are delighted that the Shepwell Management Committee is made up of representatives from relevant agencies involved with the school. Stakeholders include the LA, mainstream schools, NHS, staff, and parents.


We are pleased to work with Roland Roberts, a National Leader of Governance, and the Walsall Association of Governance, to support us.


The Headteacher is responsible for day-to-day management of the school. The role of the Management Committee is to provide strategic management, and act as a “critical friend”, supporting the work of the Headteacher and other staff. 




The Management Committee has an important role to play.


Management committee members have three basic duties:


  • to provide a clear overview of the school's values and the plans within the School Improvement Plan 

  • to make sure that the Headteacher and staff are responsible for delivering the educational performance of the school and its students in an effective and inclusive way

  • to monitor the school's financial performance and make sure that funding is well spent.


How Management committee members work with the Head teacher and senior leaders


Management committee members are not involved in the day to day management of the school, which is the responsibility of the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team.


The management Committee's job is to ask challenging questions of the Headteacher and provide constructive support to make sure that the school's long-term plans and ambitions are achieved.


Management committee members robustly hold School leaders to account, in order to guarantee high standards in education for all our students.


Shepwell School has a delegated budget to cover salaries, running costs, maintenance and equipment; the Management Committee is responsible for managing this budget. Management committee members are responsible for ensuring that the annual budget is balanced. We must also ensure that the budget is adequate to meet commitments for planned teaching and curriculum requirements.



The management Committee Body has oversight of the policies which regulate the school, including Safeguarding, Special Educational Needs and Behaviour.



If you have any questions, please contact:


Management Committee/Governing Body membership Details


Appointed Management Committee members/Governors


Chair of Management Committee: Diane Osborne

Vice-Chair: Clare Barratt

Acting Headteacher: Lisa Southall

Local Authority member: Mark Beech

Staff member: Julie Bloomfield

Parent member: Vacancy

Co-Opted member: David Spittle

Co-Opted member: Richard Taylor

Co-Opted member: Kathyrn Sugars


Clerk: Alison Buick