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Shepwell School

‘Believing is Achieving’


Lead Practitioner: Karis Osborne   email:  Tel: 01902 632719 extension 209

Our aim is:

  • To equip pupils with the necessary decision making skills about future progression and their destination when they leave Shepwell School,
  • to provide pupils with current information on courses at post 16,
  • to give opportunity for maximum exploration of future careers including work experience/work related learning for every pupil,
  • to decrease the possibility of pupils making incorrect transition choices,
  • to understand how the ‘world of work’ works.
  • to keep up-to-date with new careers emerging from technological advances,
  • to ensure all Year 11 pupils have at least one post-16 pathway guaranteed when leaving Shepwell School,
  • to ensure pupils are tracked beyond Shepwell School and that they do not become NEET (not in education, employment or training),
  • to ensure pupils are well equipped for the next stage of their education, training or employment.