Admission pack
Admissions Pack
Students who attend Shepwell School will be dual registered unless the school is named on the EHCP.
A place at Shepwell Short Stay School costs £47 per day. This is payable by the home school and the home school will be invoiced on a half termly basis.
You will be given an ‘admissions pack’ by the Head teacher or the member of SLT that has been with you during your meeting. This pack includes:
- The Head Teachers Welcome
- Admissions paperwork to be completed
- Parental agreement to be signed
- Parent Consent to be completed
- Individual Health Care Plan, to be filled in if applicable
- Home/School agreement
- Consent for Face Masks
If you need a copy of the admissions pack please download it below Admissions Pack. If you need a new paper copy please request this at reception.
As part of our admissions pack the following school policies are relevant:
Click to open the relevant policy.