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Shepwell School

‘Believing is Achieving’

Shepwell Inclusion Service

Shepwell Inclusion Service will replace Home and Hospital Tuition from June 2024. The service aims to respond the need for accessible and inclusive support for vulnerable young people, not attending school due to medical and/or mental health needs across the Walsall Borough. 


The Inclusion Service will offer a range of pathways, which will offer packages of support designed to meet the needs of the individual child and support them back into education. Over the last 5 years, we have noticed the change in demand for specific support for children struggling with their levels of anxiety, confidence, self esteem and attendance. The Inclusion Service aims to draw on the specialist knowledge of Shepwell staff, to plan and facilitate learning using a variety of flexible and child centred approaches. 


At Shepwell we understand that each child's journey through education is unique. We understand that children who have faced challenges within school, experienced trauma, bereavement or ACES that this can present difficulties in attendance, engagement and relationships. We embrace and celebrate differences and aim to build positively on these experiences in order to support children back onto education, learning strategies to manage their emotions and feel hopeful about the future. 


We work collaboratively with schools ensuring that communication is frequent and that professionals are well informed of progress and concerns. We work in partnership to ensure that placements are successful and that when pupils are able to return to school that approaches and support for the child is consistent and planned at the right pace. 


Our pathways include: 



FREE short term, online education for 6 weeks, in the first instance, for core subjects for KS2-KS4. Teaching approaches for KS1 pupils will be planned based on information provided on referral. This is accessible for children living in a Walsall postcode and is suitable for children recovering from medical treatment and specific medical or mental health needs. Children are educated in age appropriate groups to encourage social interaction and reduce isolation whilst they are unable to attend school. Schools will need to provide a laptop for pupils to access this pathway via Teams. 



Personalised, individual support for children who are struggling to access school, due to anxiety, mental health conditions or undiagnosed need. Flourish is designed for children who may struggle to access online education and require face to face support either in homes, their school or in a community setting. Staff are able to work with children to break down barriers, support with wellbeing and introduce strategies to cope with their emotions. The aim of Flourish, would be to return children to appropriate education. For a child to access support through Flourish, there is a cost to schools of £40 per hour. Sessions are planned in double sessions to allow time to build relationships and deliver supportive and meaningful sessions.  


The Hive

Is our inclusion base at our Shepwell School site. This is outside of our main school building, utilising our cabin spaces. Pupils are able to access the Hive if they are in need of support back into education, are struggling in a mainstream setting (attendance, unmet need, environmental factors, relationships with peer groups, mental health and wellbeing, for example). The Hive delivers positive and flexible learning experiences in core subjects. Children are taught in small groups and access the provision 3 times a week in classes of KS2, KS3 and KS4 pupils on rotation. There is a weekly cost for this provision. 


To make a referral, to enquire about a placement or for further information about what we can offer please contact: 

Mrs Emma Hollis, Director of Inclusion 


To refer a child to any of the above pathways please download a referral form and return it to the above email address. 

Referrals are reviewed weekly and schools will be contacted on acceptance and if a place is available. 


From September 2024 the Inclusion Service will encompass further pathways to support young people across the Borough.