Pupil Attendance Matters to Us
At Shepwell we want our pupils to be happy and comfortable to attend school. We also understand that due to past experiences of education and personal circumstances this can sometimes present challenges for our pupils. We want to support everyone of our pupils to be able to attend school every day. Our aim is to work closely with families and other agencies in order to ensure that we are doing everything we can to remove barriers to attendance.
Ensuring that all of our pupils achieve success and go on to live happy, independent and healthy lives is of vital importance to us and attending school regularly will enable us to support them in achieving this!
We are always looking at ways of rewarding our pupils for their achievements across the school. We also reward improved attendance, for those pupils who genuinely struggle to attend and are trying hard to overcome their barriers.
If your child does not attend school, as part of our safeguarding procedures, we will call you each day they are absent to discuss the reasons for non attendance. These calls will be supportive and are in place to try and help families to get their children back into school as soon as possible.
As part of the DFE 'Working Together to Improve Attendance' statutory guidance, we will discuss how many days your child has missed from school and use a tiered approach to monitoring 'days missed'. This helps all parties to understand the implications of children not attending school regularly and the impact this has on the amount of learning time they have missed.
Our attendance processes are designed to be supportive as we genuinely miss our pupils when we don't see them! We may send a postcard to a child to let them know we are thinking of them, if we haven't seen them for a while. Shepwell School is a community who are there for each other and we will always strive to work with families to ensure that we are showing how much we care for their child and offer guidance towards improving attendance.