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Shepwell School

‘Believing is Achieving’


Rewards at Shepwell School are extremely important, and we aim, recognise and reward students for their positive contributions around school.


The main system we use around school is the Praise Postcard.  There are three levels of reward – P1, P2 and P3.


P1 – Examples below.  A praise postcard given.


Helping others

  • Good work and effort in lessons
  • Consistently wearing correct uniform(linked adult)
  • Being a good role model
  • Continuous positive use of planner
  • Effort in accelerated reader
  • Good contributions to class discussions/engagement in activities

P2 – Examples below.  A praise postcard and small reward given.


Citizenship-good deed to support a peer

  • Community spirit
  • Volunteering your time to help another person
  • Showing sensitivity/empathy towards others
  • Helping and supporting a staff member
  • Showing respect for our school
  • Making an effort to improve attendance and engage in lessons

P3 – Examples below.  A praise postcard and larger reward.


Selfless act

  • Regular/long term help
  • Supporting others in difficult situations
  • Positive act within school
  • Making an effort to improve and achieve goals/targets
  • Showing ambition and drive
  • Working with Senior Leaders (planning an event/improving systems etc.)

Student get to post these cards, and they are logged onto CPOMs and so they can be recognised in our weekly rewards assembly.


Every week we celebrate the positive contributions made by students in assembly. Staff nominate students for a number of weekly awards such as ‘student of the week’, ‘citizenship award’, ‘writer of the week’ and ‘Masterchef’.


Staff at Shepwell also make regular phone calls home when they feel a student has made positive contributions around school. Phone calls are also made by SLT on a Friday.


In addition to these rewards, we also organise termly trips to reward attendance, good citizenship and behaviour around school.  Student council decides upon these trips.  Recent rewards trips include activities such as Hollywood Bowl, Cinema, Meal at Frankie and Benny’s and trampolining.


At the end of the academic year, we have a ‘Celebration assembly’, where parents and carers can attend to celebrate the successes of the students.  Rewards in these assemblies include Amazon Echo dots and Love to shop vouchers. Certificates and trophies are presented.

Rewards trip to Cadbury World

At Christmas, pupils were invited to take part in a trip to Cadbury World in Birmingham as a reward for excellent attendance, punctuality, behaviour and hard work in school.  All staff and pupils had a fantastic day and returned to school with a large box of bars to share with everyone who stayed onsite.